FEAR: An Excellent Servant and A Terrible Master

In today's tumultuous world, fear seems to lurk around every corner. Whether it's fear of economic downturns, political unrest, or health crises, there's no shortage of things to be afraid of. Yet, fear is not just a primitive survival instinct—it's a complex emotion that profoundly influences our actions and decisions.

At its core, fear can either be a powerful motivator or a paralyzing force, depending on how we engage with it. Think of fear as having two sides: contraction and expansion.

In the contraction of fear, we feel limited, stuck, and unable to see beyond our immediate circumstances. Fear holds us back, limits our potential, clouds our judgment, and prevents us from realizing our goals and aspirations. This is allowing fear to be our master.

In the expansion of fear, we're driven to explore new possibilities, push our boundaries, and move beyond our comfort zones. This is how fear becomes our servant, and in this role, it spurs growth, innovation, and personal development.

By recognizing that our emotions are vibrations on a scale, from deeply contracting to brilliantly expanding, we can begin to shift our relationship with fear. Try this. . .

  • Close your eyes and imagine a situation in which you felt Shame. Notice your response: the desire to hide, to pull inside, to contract your world.

  • Then, do the same with Optimism. Close your eyes and think of something you feel optimistic about. Again, notice your response: the feeling of ease, vitality, and readiness to engage.

Very different, right?

The key to unlocking the potential of fear lies in our thoughts. We can't immediately leap to joy or optimism when we find ourselves sinking into hopelessness or shame. But we can choose to focus on something that brings us Satisfaction—a gateway emotion to the expanding frequencies that opens new possibilities and opportunities.

Try the STOP, LOOK, & CHOOSE technique to harness the power of fear.

  • STOP: Pause when you notice fear taking hold of you.

  • LOOK: Examine the thoughts and beliefs that are fueling your fear.

  • CHOOSE: Decide to shift your perspective to a more expansive position, focusing on something that ignites the feeling of satisfaction.

By mastering this simple technique, you can transform fear from a tyrannical master into a loyal servant, guiding you toward growth, fulfillment, and success.

How is fear serving you?

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